Tuesday, May 05, 2015



To celebrate Cinco de Mayo, I guess, today's PAsshole, driving a Cooper Mini "Countryman," PA plate number JJC-9911, 

decided to skip following American and Pennsylvania traffic laws and just do whatever the hell (s)he wants, no matter the consequence or possible consequences. To that end, (s)he first flies through the "STOP" sign on Brandywine at Walbert Avenue, right into the path of eastbound traffic, including a school bus, moving at 45 mph, the legal limit. THEN, (s)he makes a left turn from Walbert Avenue onto northbound Cedar Crest Boulevard WITHOUT USING A TURN SIGNAL. And, since that obviously isn't enough of a celebration, (s)he then makes another left turn into Parkland High School, AGAIN WITHOUT USING HIS/HER SIGNAL and proceeds to ignore the 15 mph speed limit signs AND THE ELECTRONIC BILLBOARD STATING THAT THE CAMPUS SPEED LIMIT IS 15 MPH!

So, to this person who seems to have learned to drive in Mexico - IF AT ALL - HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO, YOU PASSHOLE!!!  Keep driving like this and you, or one of the victims of your BAD DRIVING, may not be around to celebrate another!

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