Friday, January 26, 2007

1/26/07: We got a "twofer" today! YAY!!!!

First is the PAsshole in the gray Nissan Sentra, license # DPG-1710, who doesn't believe in "Yield" signs OR in using turn signals when entering Rt.309 from Rt. 22...this PAsshole just pulls right out in front of whatever is coming down the road...hey, why should (s)he care? it's only a crappy little Nissan! oh, but maybe the car that hits him/her may actually be worth something! and in case (s)he was too stupid to read this the first couple times (s)he tried to pass the driver's test, here's the rule:

now for part deux: the PAsshole in the crap brown Olds with the flashing blue light (must be a K-mart special! that probably explains where (s)he got his/her driver's license, too!), license # GNT-8893, who can't read the "No Left Turn" sign on the exit road from Crest Plaza onto Walbert Avenue! So, since this PAsshole CAN'T READ, it's no wonder that (s)he just makes an ILLEGAL left turn onto Walbert Avenue! And where, you may ask, are the cops? After all, it's less than a mile away from SWTPD's HQ! But don't forget, a mile is over 3x as far away as the nearest

and, by the way, these signs mean YOU CAN'T MAKE A LEFT TURN!!!! GEEZ!!! HOW F-IN' STUPID ARE YOU?????

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

1/17/07 Happy New Year! Apparently, no one made a New Year's resolution to stop being a PAsshole Driver! :( So, I gotta go back to work telling you about the dangerous, inconsiderate drivers I see EVERY DAY!

Today's PAsshole is the silver Beemer 525, license number FGN-1186 who, like many Yuppies in Springhouse Farms, doesn't know how to STOP at a 4-way STOP SIGN! This PAsshole is SECOND IN LINE at the intersection of Springhouse Road and Winchester Ave. at 3:15 PM this afternoon, but thinks, because he drives a fancy, expensive car, HE gets priority over everyone who was at the intersection ahead of him, including a Parkland school bus that waited for the FIRST car at the intersection before proceeding, only to have this PAsshole pull right out in front of him, cutting him off, even though the PAsshole was SECOND IN LINE! Oh, well, what the hell! He's a rich OLD FART driving a luxury car, he's obviously MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN A BUNCH OF KIDS!!!!

These PAsshole Yuppies from the Springhouse Farms ghetto bitch and moan for years til they finally get this intersection made a 4-way stop, then THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW THE LAWS FOR A 4-WAY STOP INTERSECTION!!!!! Here's a hint: WAIT YOUR TURN, PASSHOLES!!!!


At a four-way stop, all vehicles must stop. The first vehicle stopping at the intersection should move forward first. If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right!!!!

ยง 3321. Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
(a) General rule.--
When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different
highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

Of course the REAL reason there are so many PAsshole drivers out there is because of the PAsshole cops who don't do ANYTHING to enforce the laws! They claim they're using their "discretion," but all they're really doing is BEING LAZY!!! They can driver around an entire shift and "use their discretion" to not cite ANYONE, no matter how bad the violation! If you're a friend of theirs' or someone they like, you get a pass, but if they don't like you, or you're a minority, WATCH OUT!!!! There really should be someone to supervise these PAsshole cops, because all there is now is former cops, their buddies who did the same thing while they were lowly patrol cops, so they're not going to do anything to upset their buddies, law be damned! And the so-called civilian government officials, like commissioners or managers? FORGET IT! If they make the cops mad, they'll never be able to appoint their sons-in-law as chief or even put them on the force, whether it's in Catty or Yuppieville (aka, South Whitehall Township)!

So here's how it works:

Bank robberies: FBI's problem!
Retail thefts: store security's problem!
Vandalism, home burglary/theft: Insurance company's problem!
Motor vehicle violations: No accident? NO HARM, NO FOUL! Unless there's a public outcry, then there might be an unconstitutional road block that works about as well as these cops - maybe 10% efficiency,
IF THAT! All you have to do is check the police reports: HUNDREDS of incidents but nearly NO arrests!

What's needed is outside, REAL civilian oversight and NO DISCRETION about what laws to enforce! Firefighters don't have discretion over which fires they fight! Cab drivers and bus drivers don't have discretion over whom they pick up! WHY SHOULD PASSHOLE COPS HAVE UNBRIDLED DISCRETION OVER WHAT LAWS THEY FEEL LIKE ENFORCING???

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

1/3/07 a new year, but same old PAssholes! I discovered something today: You don't have to actually be driving to be a PAsshole driver! this idiot definitely is a PAsshole, driving or not: the guy with the silver & blue old Dodge pickup parked on 20th St. who is sooooo stupid, idiotic, and inconsiderate that he parks his truck right across from another car on a narrow street and LEAVES THE DOORS OPEN so that only 1 car can squeeze through, and even that is a tight squeeze! too bad some garbage truck didn't come along and take the door right off & throw it in the back of the truck! or maybe thats what this idiot wants! probably thinks he'd get more in insurance that the old piece of crap is worth! and he's probably right...if insurance companies were stupid enough to pay for damage caused by idiots like him! which they're NOT! only cops are that stupid - they didn't even SEE this, much less do anything to prevent an accident by citing this idiot!

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